Equality Now is a non-profit organization that works to achieve legal and systemic change that addresses violence and discrimination against women and girls around the world. Their mission is to create a world where women and men have equal rights under the law and enjoy their human rights fully. They work towards promoting equality through the feminist principles of equality, anti-discrimination, inclusion, autonomy, and dignity. They aim to achieve this through their values of integrity, inclusiveness, tenaciousness, and perseverance. Additionally, they are committed to being an anti-racist, intersectional, and feminist organization that actively challenges racism and all forms of discrimination in their own organizational culture and through their work.
Sustainability at Equality now
Our aim is to create a world where women and men have equal rights under the law and enjoy their human rights fully. Through our work, we promote gender equality and challenge discriminatory laws and practices that treat women as second-class citizens.
Equality Now's commitment to being an anti-racist, intersectional, and feminist organization aligns with this SDG. We believe that discrimination against women based on sex and gender is linked with other factors that affect women, such as race, ethnicity, religion, health status, age, class, caste, sexual orientation, and gender identity. By addressing intersecting forms of discrimination, we work towards reducing inequalities and promoting inclusivity.
Equality Now's mission of achieving legal and systemic change aligns with this SDG as we aim to create a world where the law is used to promote equality rather than codify misogyny. We work towards bringing integrity to the criminal justice system and promoting positive, hopeful messages of change. Through our work, we aim to create a world with strong institutions that promote peace, justice, and equality for all.