Women in Sustainability

The Role of Women in Sustainability and Climate Change

Tue Jun 06 2023

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Women in Sustainability: The Current State of Play
  3. Highlighting Women Leading the Charge in Sustainability
  4. Case Studies of Sustainable Companies Championed by Women
  5. Impact of Gender Parity on Sustainability
  6. Fostering the Next Generation of Women in Sustainability
  7. Women in Sustainability: Advocacy and Policy-making
  8. The Future of Women in Sustainability
  9. Encouraging Women in Sustainability: The Role of Greendeed.io
  10. Conclusion
  11. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Introduction

The phrase "women in sustainability" may sound like a niche demographic, but in reality, it represents a formidable force in the fight against climate change and towards a more sustainable future. From heading international organizations to leading innovative startups, women are increasingly taking center stage in the sustainability sector. This article will explore the growing role of women in sustainability, highlighting inspiring figures, remarkable companies, and the profound impact of gender parity on our planet's future.

2. Women in Sustainability: The Current State of Play

Women have long been change-makers in the environmental sphere, driving sustainability initiatives and green policies. Historically, women like Rachel Carson and Wangari Maathai have paved the way, demonstrating the power of women's voices in initiating environmental change. However, like many sectors, the green industry is not without its gender gaps.

Stereotypical gender roles and biases have led to a discrepancy in women's representation, particularly in leadership positions within the environmental sector. However, the tide is turning. An increasing number of women are breaking through the proverbial glass ceiling, asserting their rightful place as leaders in the sustainability movement. Their representation is not just essential for gender equality—it also has profound implications for environmental outcomes.

According to a report by the United Nations, only around 12% of environmental decision-makers are women, despite research showing that gender parity in leadership can lead to more sustainable outcomes.

3. Highlighting Women Leading the Charge in Sustainability

From internationally acclaimed figures to the leaders of ground-breaking green startups, women in sustainability are making waves.

Christian Figueres, former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), is one of the many women leading international initiatives to combat climate change. Figueres played a crucial role in brokering the landmark Paris Agreement, a testimony to the power of female leadership in high-stakes environmental diplomacy.

Closer to home, numerous female-led startups are innovating sustainability solutions:

4. Case Studies of Sustainable Companies Championed by Women

Let's look at some companies on greendeed.io championed by women in key positions, driving sustainable change:


Under the visionary leadership of Virginia Yanquilevich, Dopper has championed the mission of reducing plastic waste, while simultaneously promoting access to clean drinking water on a global scale. The company firmly believes in empowering people to choose reusable water bottles over single-use plastic alternatives, a small yet significant step towards safeguarding our water resources.

In their quest for a more sustainable future, Dopper embodies the ethos that sustainability is a collective effort. By creating innovative, durable, and environmentally friendly products, they inspire individuals to take environmentally-conscious decisions and actions that ultimately make a significant positive impact on the planet.

Furthermore, Dopper fosters collaboration with like-minded organisations that align with their vision and mission. By cultivating such partnerships, they aim to broaden their reach and deepen their impact in the fight against plastic pollution and the pursuit of clean drinking water accessibility.

In addition to providing sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic, Dopper is also committed to supporting global goals that aim to protect our seas and ensure clean water access for all. Their overarching ambition is a world free from plastic waste, where everyone, irrespective of their location, has access to clean drinking water.

You too can join Dopper's mission to protect our planet and make a difference. By supporting Dopper, individuals and organizations can contribute towards turning the tide against plastic pollution and making clean drinking water a reality for all. As a shining example of a women-led sustainable company, Dopper continues to demonstrate the transformative power of sustainable, inclusive action.

Here We Flo

Reinventing period products with sustainability at its core, Here We Flo was born out of a university bathroom chat between best friends Tara and Susan. Unable to find organic tampons, they embarked on a journey that led to the creation of FLO, a company that values both women’s health and environmental sustainability.

Under their leadership, FLO uses carefully sourced materials like organic eco-tex bamboo and natural cotton, free from dyes, chemicals, and other harmful substances often found in conventional period products. But their commitment to sustainability goes beyond the products themselves. From harnessing solar power to setting carbon-neutral goals, they're not just redefining period products, but also championing a sustainable approach in the process.

It's not just about the planet; it's about the people too. FLO’s ethos of community empowerment has been foundational to their success. They truly believe in the collective power of many small steps, working together to make significant strides forward.

Equality Now

At the intersection of human rights and women's equality lies Equality Now, an organization that was founded by a powerful trio of human rights lawyers - Jessica Neuwirth, Navanetham “Navi” Pillay, and the late Feryal Gharahi in 1992. As pioneers in their field, they strived to shift women’s equality from the periphery into the heart of human rights discussions, emphasizing its priority in international concerns.

Despite the progressive movements of the late 20th century, gender inequality continued to pervade laws and policies worldwide. Recognizing this, the founders of Equality Now understood that discrimination in the law, including the lack of recognition of violence against women, was a significant roadblock to achieving gender equality. Along with Taina Bien-Aimé and a dedicated group of volunteers across several countries, they began to work tirelessly to protect and promote women’s rights globally.

Under their leadership, Equality Now achieved significant milestones:

  • In 1992, the organization led a campaign urging UNICEF to highlight female genital mutilation (FGM) as an international concern. Today, Equality Now stands at the forefront of the fight to end FGM.
  • Equality Now played a crucial role in classifying rape as a war crime in 1993, advocating for the survivors of sexual violence in Yugoslavia and resulting in a precedent-setting decision by the Rwandan Tribunal in 1998 that recognized rape as a weapon of war.
  • Navi Pillay made an indelible impact by contributing to the equality clause in South Africa’s constitution following the end of apartheid, which prohibited discrimination based on gender, race, sexual orientation, or religion.
  • Under Jessica Neuwirth’s leadership, Equality Now produced the first-ever report on sex discriminatory laws worldwide in 1999. Advocacy based on this report led to the repeal of over 60 sex discriminatory laws, leading to global recognition of this issue by the UN and the World Bank.
  • With Taina Bien-Aimé as the executive director from 2000, Equality Now reinforced their efforts to eradicate sex trafficking globally, which resulted in the adoption of the international treaty on trafficking, the Palermo Protocol.

Today, Equality Now stands as a testament to the transformative power of collective action towards gender equality. Thanks to the foundation laid by these visionary women, Equality Now has made substantial progress in making equality a reality for women and girls everywhere. The remarkable stories of these female leaders in Equality Now, along with those in other companies like Dopper and Here We Flo listed on greendeed.io, illustrate the potential of women-led initiatives in making the world a more equitable and sustainable place.

These women-led companies, among many others listed on greendeed.io, are breaking new ground in sustainability, demonstrating the transformative power of women in this sector.

5. Impact of Gender Parity on Sustainability

Gender equality is not just a social issue—it's an environmental one too. Research suggests a strong link between gender equality and environmental sustainability. Studies show that nations with greater gender equality tend to have more sustainable practices and better environmental health. Moreover, projects that involve women in their design and implementation have been found to be more sustainable over time. For instance, a study published in the Journal of Corporate Finance found that firms with higher gender diversity on their boards were more likely to invest in renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This underscores the importance of women's inclusion and leadership in sustainability—a diverse range of perspectives leads to more innovative, effective solutions.

6. Fostering the Next Generation of Women in Sustainability

Fostering the next generation of women in sustainability requires a collective effort. Educators, parents, governments, corporations, and individuals must collaborate to create an environment that encourages young women to pursue careers in the green sector. By introducing sustainability and environmental science at a young age, girls can be inspired to become the sustainability leaders of tomorrow.

In recent years, numerous organizations have launched initiatives aimed at promoting STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) among girls. Many of these programs now include a focus on sustainability, highlighting the intersection of science and environmental conservation. Through workshops, competitions, mentorship programs, and career guidance, these initiatives are paving the way for more girls to enter the green sector.

7. Women in Sustainability: Advocacy and Policy-making

In addition to being involved in sustainable businesses and practices, women also play a pivotal role in advocating for environmental policies and measures. Women-led non-profit organizations and activist groups are increasingly influencing policy-making, from local government decisions to international climate negotiations.

Women also bring a unique perspective to environmental policy-making. For instance, the intersection of gender and climate change is an area of increasing focus. Women are often disproportionately affected by climate change, especially in developing countries. Recognizing and addressing these disparities is an important part of achieving both gender equality and environmental sustainability.

8. The Future of Women in Sustainability

As we look towards the future, the role of women in sustainability will continue to evolve and expand. With more platforms and initiatives supporting and encouraging women in this field, the number of women leading the charge for a sustainable planet is poised to grow.

We're likely to see more women-led sustainable businesses, increased female participation in environmental policy-making, and continued research on the intersection of gender and sustainability. The collective effort of women in sustainability will be pivotal in shaping a green and equitable future for all.

9. Encouraging Women in Sustainability: The Role of Greendeed.io

Promoting women's involvement in sustainability is crucial for driving impactful change. This is where platforms like Greendeed.io come in. Greendeed.io is an online platform committed to accelerating the green transition by showcasing sustainable companies and initiatives. By highlighting women-led businesses and women innovators in the sustainability sector, Greendeed.io aims to inspire and encourage more women to step into green leadership roles.

In addition to showcasing companies, Greendeed.io also provides resources for women interested in sustainability. From educational content to networking events, the platform offers opportunities for women to learn, connect, and grow in the green sector.

10. Conclusion

The vital role of women in sustainability can't be overstated. As this article has highlighted, women are not only significant contributors to the field but also indispensable leaders in steering our planet towards a more sustainable future. The stories of women spearheading sustainable initiatives, championing green companies, influencing environmental policies, and advocating for a greener future serve as inspiration to all, particularly to the next generation of women in sustainability.

The correlation between gender parity and environmental sustainability reinforces the notion that a sustainable future can only be achieved when everyone, regardless of gender, is given equal opportunities to contribute to the cause. The more diverse the voices and perspectives involved in the conversation about our planet's future, the more comprehensive and effective our solutions will be.

Platforms like Greendeed.io play a crucial role in amplifying the work of women in sustainability and providing resources for those aspiring to contribute to the sector. By fostering an environment that encourages and supports women in the field, we are not only promoting gender equality but also accelerating our progress towards a more sustainable and resilient world.

The future of sustainability is indeed female. The ongoing efforts to bridge the gender gap in this sector, combined with the extraordinary contributions women continue to make, promise a future where women's leadership in sustainability is not an exception but the norm. Their work will be the legacy that future generations of women leaders in sustainability will build upon, driving us forward in our collective journey towards a greener, more equitable planet.

11. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is gender parity important in sustainability?

Gender parity in sustainability is important for a variety of reasons. It promotes equal representation, ensuring that all voices and perspectives are heard when making decisions about our planet's future. Additionally, studies suggest that gender equality is linked to better environmental health and more sustainable practices.

How can we encourage more young women to pursue careers in sustainability?

Encouraging young women to pursue careers in sustainability can start with education. Introducing environmental science and sustainability in schools can inspire interest in these fields. Moreover, providing mentorship opportunities and showcasing women leaders in sustainability can also motivate young women to pursue similar paths.

How do women influence environmental policy-making?

Women influence environmental policy-making through various roles - as leaders of non-profit organizations, policy-makers, scientists, activists, and more. They bring unique perspectives to policy discussions, particularly regarding the intersection of gender and environmental issues.

What is the future of women in sustainability?

The future of women in sustainability looks promising. We're likely to see more women leading sustainable businesses, increased participation in environmental policy-making, and continued focus on the intersection of gender and sustainability. Efforts to support and encourage women in the sustainability field are also set to grow, further increasing women's involvement and impact.

Why is the intersection of gender and climate change important?

The intersection of gender and climate change is important as climate change impacts men and women differently, often disproportionately affecting women, especially in developing countries. Understanding and addressing these disparities is key to creating effective and equitable climate solutions.

How can I get involved in sustainability?

There are numerous ways to get involved in sustainability. You can start by educating yourself about environmental issues and solutions. Consider supporting or joining sustainable companies or initiatives. Platforms like Greendeed.io provide resources and opportunities for those interested in the sustainability sector.

How does Greendeed.io support women in sustainability?

Greendeed.io supports women in sustainability by showcasing women-led sustainable companies and innovators. The platform also offers educational resources and networking events to help women learn, connect, and grow in the sustainability sector.

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